The land used for constructing solar farms provides a better habitat for wildlife and plants. The land around the solar panels is generally grass-land that can be maintained with hedges.
Solar farms receive a great return on investment, mainly when electricity bill savings, maintenance costs and reassurance of guaranteed income are considered.
It's completely Quiet!
Components in solar farms have no moving parts, and the inverters are housed in sound-proofed boxing. Hence, there is hardly any noise generated from solar farms.
Solar farms can be constructed very close to load centers as they are minimally disruptive to the local environment. This not only reduces the transmission difficulty, but also improves the efficiency of solar panels by reducing line losses.
Solar farms are the most direct way to reduce carbon emissions that contribute to global warming. Solar reduces air pollution: Harmful carbon dioxide and methane emissions from fossil fuels, our traditional energy source, are leading contributors to global warming and decreased air quality. But generating electricity with solar panels produces no greenhouse gasses whatsoever. In fact, the solar capacity currently installed across the United States is expected to offset as much as 16.8 million metric tons of carbon dioxide a year. That's a huge step towards mitigating the human impact of climate change.
Besides producing renewable energy, solar farms feed surplus power to the mains grid thereby distributing clean energy.

KWHB Solar Power Plant

This Solar farm installation does not increase flood risk. Solar reduces water pollution: While all manufacturing processes require some water, solar photovoltaic cells don't need water to generate electricity. This is one of the biggest, yet least talked about environmental benefits of solar. Traditional biomass and geothermal power plants, such as natural gas and coal-fired facilities, require massive amounts of water to facilitate their vital cooling requirements. With solar energy there is no pollution of local water resources, nor does their operation (which again requires NO water) strain local supplies through the competition with agriculture, drinking systems, and other vital water needs.

Green + Secure

Secure and Safe

This Solar farm is constructed with cameras and security fences to secure solar panels. We have researchers on the facility site night and day working on New Energy products.

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Solar + Farming

The Soil is protected and Enhanced

The KWHB Developers use stable materials that aim at preventing soil compaction during the construction of solar farms

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Clean + Solar

Solar is the Cleanest Energy

Solar energy is a clean, safe and renewable source of energy. And once it's installed lasts for over 25 years providing Energy for consumers. All while using no Fossil Fuels at all.

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Environment +

Built with Environment Involved

Solar farms are a relatively effective and unobtrusive way of generating electricity. They can work well with the environment, and profitable use of the lands.

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